Monday, December 16, 2013

Make Time for Your Workouts

A few weeks ago we asked our fans the ultimate exercise question: with busy schedules and hectic days, how do you make time for your workouts? We were inspired by the amount of thought and detail that went into the answers we received. With the holiday season in full swing, we know it can be hard to squeeze in a fitness routine, so we’re sharing some of our favorite fan tips below in hopes that they will inspire you to make time for yourself. Want to share your suggestions for making your workout work for you? Sound off in the comments!

I'm a personal trainer and Spinning Instructor at the local YMCA.  I also work full time at the City of Tampa.  Time management is very critical for me since I also have a family that I want to spend time with.  Perfect Fitness allows me to achieve my own fitness goals and stay in shape, which inspires my clients.  I am also a big advocate of body weight exercises.  I feel you can achieve your goals with the use of your own body weight and I give my clients that option when I am training with them.

Pushups are a huge part of my routine: 2 sets to failure with 3 minute rest, 2 sets of bodyweight squats to near failure, 90 second rest between, then 2 sets of ab roller (yes, the Ab-Carver) upwards of 75-100 very controlled straight roll outs with 90 seconds in between. A HALF HOUR OF TRAINING! That is how I get it when short on time.

I use a schedule to list all the things I need to accomplish, and make sure I have done enough to feel like I can take a break and get pumped. Life is too busy not to schedule it in regularly. Before listing everything I needed to do (including working out) I could never find time.

I sometimes work out after a twelve hour work shift and then in the mornings or afternoons on my days off. I often workout one day and rest the next day. At times, I will work out for at least three days straight and then rest the following day. My workouts consist of full body, cardio, weight-lifting, stretching, and meditation, which I do at the gym or at home. I usually mix my workouts, ranging from a workout concentrating on just upper body, abs, lower body, strength training, and cardio. I often spend times doing quick workouts using the Perfect Pushup, Ab-Carver, and the Perfect Sit-up. The Ab-Carver not only develops strong arms, abs, and back, but adds cardio to the exercise. Eating clean and getting the right amount of protein in your body assist a great deal in body development and your workouts. I take pre and post workout supplements that give me noticeable achievement in my routine.


I am fortunate enough to work at a University that offers a great recreation center. I have partnered up with one of my co-workers from another department, and we work out at lunch every day. Whether it is hitting the weights, yoga, rock climbing, or swimming, we find it helps us to get through our afternoon with increased vigor and stamina. I also ride my road bike to and from work every day, even on those 20 degree mornings. In the evenings, I go to martial arts twice a week. This has allowed me to drop 40 lbs since 2007 and put back on 20 lbs of muscle. I am in better shape now at 37 than I was at 27. I was even able to succesfully complete the Colorado Tough Mudder this last year.

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